Curriculum Vitae (Sept. 2023)
Professional Experience
Professor of Political Science, UC Davis, 2011-present
Faculty Affiliate, Immigration Cluster, UC Davis, 2015-present
Associate Professor of Political Science, UC Davis, 2006-2011
Associate Professor of Political Science, University of Arizona, 2001-2006
Associate Professor of Political Science, SUNY Stony Brook, 2000-2001
Assistant Professor of Political Science, University of Arizona, 1994-2000
Nonprofit Experience
Board Member, Humane Borders, 2022-present
Media Liaison, Humane Borders, 2021-present
Selected Publications
Box-Steffensmeier, Janet M. and Bradford S. Jones. Event History Modeling: A Guide for Social
Scientists. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (7th Reprint 2015)
Articles and Book Chapters
Hare, Christopher, Ben Highton, Bradford Jones. 2023. Assessing the Structure of Policy Preferences: A Hard Test of the Low Dimensionality Hypothesis. Journal of Politics.
Jones, Bradford, Jeffrey Sherman, Natalie Rojas, Adrienne Hosek, David Vannette, Rene Rocha, Omar Garcia-Ponce, Maria Pantoja, and Jesus Garcia. 2021. “Trump-induced anxiety among Latina/os.” Group Processes and Intergroup Relations. 24(1): 68-87. doi:10.1177/1368430219889132
Maltby, Elizabeth, Rocha, Rene, Jones, Bradford, and Vannette, David. (2020). Demographic Context, Mass Deportation, and Latino Linked Fate. The Journal of Race, Ethnicity, and Politics, 5(3), 509-536. doi:10.1017/rep.2020.24
Lu, Fan and Bradford Jones. 2019. “Effects of belief versus experiential discrimination on race-based linked fate.” Politics of Groups and Identities. 7:615-624, DOI: 10.1080/21565503.2019.1638804
Jones, Bradford S., Kristina Flores-Victor, and David Vannette. 2019. “Alien Citizens and the Canonical Immigrant: Do Stigmatized Attributes Affect Latina/o Judgment about Discrimination?” American Journal of Political Science. 63: 740-757.
Jones, Bradford S. and Danielle Joesten-Martin. 2017. “Path-to-Citizenship or Deportation? How Elite Cues Shaped Opinion on Immigration in the 2010 U.S. House Elections.” Political Behavior. 39: 177-204.
Branton, Regina, Erin Cassese, and Bradford S. Jones. 2012 “Race, Ethnicity and U.S. House Incumbent Evaluations.” Legislative Studies Quarterly. 37: 465-491. Winner of the Best Paper Award for Legislative Studies Quarterly.
Crisp, Brian, Maria Escobar-Lemmon, Bradford S. Jones, Mark Jones, and Michelle Taylor-Robinson, “Vote-Seeking Incentives and Legislative Representation in Six Presidential Democracies”, in David M. Farrell and Matthew S. Shugart (eds.) Electoral Systems. Sage Press.
Branton, Regina, Erin Cassese, Bradford S. Jones and Chad Westerland. 2011 “All Along the Watchtower: Acculturation Fear, Anti-Latino Sentiment, and Immigration.” Journal of Politics. 73(3): 664-679.
Crisp, Brian F., Maria C. Escobar-Lemmon, Bradford S. Jones, Mark P. Jones, and Michelle M. Taylor-Robinson. 2009. “The Electoral Connection and Legislative Committees.” The Journal of Legislative Studies. 15(1): 34-50.
Jones, Bradford S. 2008. “Multilevel Modeling.” in J. Box-Steffensmeier, H. Brady, and D. Collier (eds) The Oxford Handbook of Political Methodology. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Jones, Bradford S. and Regina P. Branton. 2006. “Beyond Logit and Probit: Cox Duration Models for State Policy Adoption.” State Politics and Policy Quarterly. 5: 420–443.
Goertz, Gary, Bradford S. Jones, and Paul Diehl. 2005. “Maintenance Processes in International Rivalries.” Journal of Conflict Resolution. 49: 742–769
Branton, Regina P. and Bradford S. Jones. 2005. “Examining Racial Attitudes: The Conditional Relationship Between Diversity and the Socio-Economic Environment.” American Journal of Political Science. 49: 359–372.
Crisp, Brian, Maria Escobar-Lemmon, Bradford S. Jones, Mark Jones, and Michelle Taylor-Robinson. 2004. “Vote-Seeking Incentives and Legislative Representation in Six Presidential Democracies.” Journal of Politics. 66: 823–846.
Steenbergen, Marco R. and Bradford S. Jones. 2002. “Modeling Multilevel Data Structures.” American Journal of Political Science. 46: 218–237.
Jones, Bradford S. and Michael E. Sobel. 2000. “Modeling Direction and Intensity in Semantically Balanced Ordinal Scales: An Assessment of Congressional Incumbent Approval.” American Journal of Political Science. 44: 174–185.
Box-Steffensmeier, Janet M., and Bradford S. Jones. 1997. “Time is of the Essence: Event History Models in Political Science.” American Journal of Political Science. 41: 1414–1461.
Jones, Bradford S. and Barbara Norrander. 1996. “The Reliability of Aggregated Public Opinion.” American Journal of Political Science. 40: 295–309.
Jones, Bradford, Benjamin Radcliff, Charles Taber, Richard Timpone. 1995. “Condorcet Winners and the Paradox of Voting: Probability Calculations for Weak Preference Orders.” American Political Science Review. 89: 137–144. doi:10.2307/2083080.
Jones, Bradford S. 1991. “State Responses to Global Climate Change.” Policy Studies Journal. 19: 73-82.
Jones, Bradford S. 1991. “The “Two Presidencies” Thesis and the Reagan Administration.” Congress and the Presidency. 18: 17-35, DOI: 10.1080/07343469109507905
Recent Research Grants
“The Paradox of Migration: Assessing Mexican Beliefs about the Inmigrante? UC MEXUS-CONACYT ($24,400).
“The Paradox of Migration: Assessing Mexican Beliefs about the Inmigrante.” National Science Foundation. ($256,681).
“Building Interdisciplinary Approaches to the Study of Immigrants, Immigration, and Border Enforcement.” National Science Foundation. ($9,450).
“Latino Responses to Stereotype Threat.” Qualtrics Research Grant (First place in national grant competition). 2016. ($15,000)
“Latino Beliefs about Discrimination.” Committee on Research (UC Davis) Grant. 2016. ($25,000)
“Latino Beliefs about Discrimination in a Context of Threat.” Institute for Social Sciences (UC Davis) Seed Grant. ($20,000)
“Political Context and Citizen Response in the 2010 Elections.” 2009. Co-PI with Walter Stone. Funded by the National Science Foundation, Grant No. SES-0852387. ($255,869).
Recent Conference Presentations and Invited Talks
“The Migrant Death Crisis on the U.S.-Mexico Border.” Invited public lecture hosted by Kansas State University. September, 2019.
“The Migrant Death Crisis on the U.S.-Mexico Border.” Invited public lecture hosted by the Enrique Chi (of the band Making Movies) and Chico Sierra (artist), Kansas City, Mo. September, 2019.
“The Migrant Death Crisis on the U.S.-Mexico Border.” Invited public lecture hosted by the Unitarian Universalist Church, Davis, CA. February, 2019.
“Immigrant Innumeracy and Latina/o Metabeliefs about Status Misattribution.” Paper presented at the meeting of the Politics of Race, Immigration, and Ethnicity Consortium. Arizona State University. January, 2019.
“The Migrant Death Crisis on the U.S.-Mexico Border.” Invited public lecture hosted by Davis High School, Davis, CA. October, 2018.
“The Migrant Death Crisis on the U.S.-Mexico Border.” Invited public lecture hosted by Scholars Promoting Educational Awareness and Knowledge (S.P.E.A.K), University of California, Davis, Davis, CA. November, 2018.
“The Migrant Death Crisis on the U.S.-Mexico Border.” Invited public lecture hosted by the Episcopal Church-Saint Martin, Davis, CA. October, 2018.
“Social Inclusion, Linked Fate and Beliefs about Discrimination: Testing Some Implications of Outgroup Stigmatization.” Paper presented at the Collaborative Multiracial Post-Election Survey (CMPS) Summer Research Workshop and Planning Meeting, UCLA. August, 2018.
“Immigration and the Border Death Awareness Survey, 2018.” Invited talk (by Skype). University of California, Merced. March, 2018.
“No expongas tu vida, no te arriesgues: Awareness, Blame, and Emotional Responses to Migrant Deaths on the U.S. Border.” Paper presented at the meeting of the Politics of Race, Immigration, and Ethnicity Consortium. Arizona State University. January, 2018.
Professional Service
Member of Editorial Board for Political Science Research and Methods (2016-2019)
Member of Editorial Board for Political Behavior (2015-2018)
Member of Editorial Board for Journal of Politics (2009-2013)
Member of Editorial Board for Political Analysis (2008-2015 )
Panelist, SES Advisory Committee, National Science Foundation (2015-2018)
Panelist, Dissertation Improvement Grant Panel. National Science Foundation (2008-2011)
Member of APSA Political Methodology Executive Board (Member-at-Large; 2008-2010)
Member of APSA Political Methodology Diversity Committee (2010-2012)
Co-Program Chair (w/Lee Epstein) for the 2009 Midwest Political Science Association Meetings.
2006 Political Methodology Program Committee. Political Methodology Society.
Section Chair for Elections and Voting Behavior Section, Southern Political Science Association
Meetings. January 2006. Atlanta, GA.
Section Chair for Political Methodology Section, Midwest Political Science Association Meetings.
April 2003. Chicago, IL.
Section Chair for Political Methodology Section, American Political Science Association Meetings.
August-September 2001. San Francisco, CA.
Co-Moderator of Political Methodology Listserv, H-Polmeth, for the APSA Political Methodology Section. (1998-2002).
Section Chair for Political Methodology Section, Western Political Science Association Meetings,
March 1998, Los Angeles.
Manuscript Reviews for:
American Political Science Review, American Journal of Political Science, Journal of Politics, Political
Analysis, Political Psychology, Political Research Quarterly, Legislative Studies Quarterly,
State Politics and Policy Quarterly, American Politics Quarterly, Electoral Behavior, Women and
Politics, Southeastern Political Science Review, Physical Review Letters
Book Reviews for:
Cambridge University Press, Columbia University Press, Wadsworth Press, McGraw-Hill, Longman Publishing
Grant Reviews for:
National Science Foundation
Professional Affiliations:
American Political Science Association, Midwest Political Science
Association, Southern Political Science Association.
Department of Political Science, University of California, Davis
Director of Graduate Studies (2012-2015)
Methodology Field Convener (2008-2014).
Acting Director of Graduate Studies (July-December 2008).
Chair, Search Committee for Formal Theory/Methods, 2007-2008.
Member, Search Committee for American Institutions, 2007-2008.
Member of Graduate Studies Committee, 2006-2009.
Member, Search Committee for American Institutions/Formal Theory, 2006-2007.
Member of Several Ph.D./Exam Committees
University-Wide Service, University of California, Davis
Faculty Advisor, AB540/Undocumented Student Center, 2016.
Advisory Board, Institute for Social Sciences (ISS), 2014-2016.
Advisory Board, SSDS (IGA), 2007-2010.
Political Science Representative to Faculty Senate, 2006-2007.